Human Rights Council Resolution 8/11. Human rights and extreme poverty The Human Rights Council, Recalling that, in accordance with the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and the international covenants on human rights, the ideal of free human beings enjoying freedom from fear and want can be achieved only if conditions are created whereby everyone may enjoy his or her economic, social and cultural rights, as well as his or her civil and political rights, Bearing in mind paragraph 6 of General Assembly resolution 60/251 of 15 March 2006, Recalling its resolutions 5/1 on institution-building of the Human Rights Council and 5/2 on a code of conduct for special procedures mandate-holders of the Council of 18 June 2007, and stressing that the mandate-holder shall discharge his or her duties in accordance with these resolutions and their annexes thereto, Recalling also all previous resolutions on the issue of human rights and extreme poverty adapted by the General Assembly and the Commission on Human Rights, as well as its own relevant resolutions including Council resolutions 2/2 and 7/27, Recalling further the United Nations Millennium Declaration, adopted by Heads of State and Government on the occasion of the Millennium Summit, and their commitment to eradicate extreme poverty and to halve, by 2015, the proportion of the

Select target paragraph3