A/HRC/30/39/Add.2 United Nations General Assembly Distr.: General 6 July 2015 Original: English Human Rights Council Thirtieth session Agenda item 3 Promotion and protection of all human rights, civil, political, economic, social and cultural rights, including the right to development Report of the Special Rapporteur on the human right to safe drinking water and sanitation Addendum Mission to Kenya* Summary In July 2014, the former Special Rapporteur on the human right to safe drinking water and sanitation, Catarina de Albuquerque, undertook an official visit to Kenya. Kenya was one of the first States to explicitly recognize the human rights to water and sanitation in national legislation, and is undertaking legal and institutional reforms in the areas related to the provision of water and sanitation services. It is at a critical point with respect to translating its political commitment into the implementation and realization of those rights, which could be accelerated through the reforms. Kenya faces enormous challenges, including those related to access to sanitation in informal settlements and rural areas. The Special Rapporteur encourages the Government of Kenya to place the human rights to water and sanitation at the core of the reform processes, and to prioritize the most marginalized groups. She makes several recommendations to address these challenges, and calls on the Government to urgently clarify the allocation of responsibilities in the provision of water and sanitation services. * The summary of the present report is circulated in all official languages. The report itself, which is annexed to the summary, is circulated in the language of submission only. GE.15-11319 (E) 

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