UNITED NATIONS A General Assembly Distr. GENERAL A/HRC/RES/12/9 12 October 2009 Original: ENGLISH HUMAN RIGHTS COUNCIL Twelfth session Agenda item 3 PROMOTION AND PROTECTION OF ALL HUMAN RIGHTS, CIVIL, POLITICAL, ECONOMIC, SOCIAL AND CULTURAL RIGHTS, INCLUDING THE RIGHT TO DEVELOPMENT Resolution adopted by the Human Rights Council* 12/9. Human rights and international solidarity The Human Rights Council, Reaffirming all previous resolutions adopted by the Commission on Human Rights and the Council on the issue of the human rights and international solidarity, including Commission resolution 2005/55 of 20 April 2005 and Council resolutions 6/3 of 27 September 2007, 7/5 of 27 March 2008 and 9/2 of 24 September 2008, and taking note of the reports presented by the independent expert on human rights and international solidarity, in particular his latest report (A/HRC/12/27), Underlining the fact that the processes of promoting and protecting human rights should be conducted in conformity with the purposes and principles of the Charter of the United Nations and international law, Recalling that, at the World Conference on Human Rights, held in June 1993, States pledged to cooperate with each other in ensuring development and eliminating obstacles to development, and stressed that the international community should promote effective international cooperation for the realization of the right to development and the elimination of obstacles to development, * The resolutions and decisions adopted by the Human Rights Council will be contained in the report of the Council on its twelfth session (A/HRC/12/50), chap. I. GE.09-16578

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